Finding Joy When Christmas Feels Different

Are you experiencing any concerns, fears, or worries around the Christmas holidays? Maybe you are worried that Christmas won’t feel the same as it has previously or that you won’t financially be able to provide your family with all the ‘trimmings’ this year. Maybe you’re worried that family members will be upset or disappointed that you don’t feel it is right to have a family gathering this year or are choosing to stay home. All of these concerns are normal and felt by so many this year due to the pandemic. We have 5 tips to help you find joy when Christmas feels different.  

  1. Let go of society’s expectations of what Christmas looks like in the movies or should feel/be like. There is much beauty to be found in a simple Christmas with those you love. I encourage you to let go of all the pressure you feel and make the holidays your own.  
  1. Understand that it is ok to say no. Boundaries are an important part of taking care of yourself and your family and sometimes that means having to say no.  
  1. Be creative in finding ways to experience happy moments. Happiness - the state of feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. Happiness can be found in possessions such as a new gift, or events such as winning your hockey game, or spending time ice skating with friends.  
  1. Finding joy in the simple moments - “Joy seems to me a step beyond happiness”. Joy is a light that fills you with hope, faith, and love. (Adele Rogers St. John’s). Joy is from God’s goodness, presence, protection, and sovereignty. It runs deep and it can be present even during unhappy times.  
  1. Implement a practice of gratitude (gratitude journal, saying gratitudes at dinner or every day at 2pm etc.) Brene Brown shares that “practicing gratitude invites joy into our lives”.  



  1. Watch the video “What is Joy?” together as a family, group, or class. 
  1. Activity: Fill your Mug with Joy and Warmth (click the photo to download) 
  1. Create a Holiday Bucket List! (Covid Style) 

 joy brings warmth activity

Parent Tips (optional)  

Brene Brown – The Relationship Between Joy & Gratitude (ideas for families) 


“Joy is knowing that life at it’s core is good” (~ Unknown)  

Ask yourself, there is no wrong answer 

  • What are you thankful for? 
  • What brings you joy? 
  • How can you choose to be joyful during the holidays, even though they may feel different?   

simple christmas

Connecting to our faith: 

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say Rejoice. (Philippians 4:4)  

Preparing for Christmas is a happy time, right? But what if we’re feeling a little sad at this time of year? What if we were missing someone who is not with us- does that mean that there is something wrong with our faith? 

Not at all. No holiday stirs up more feelings, memories and emotions than at Christmas, and many of our strongest feelings have to do with loved ones in our family and friends. Memories reminds us of what is important, and sometimes we are reminded that we are missing someone we love. 

God draws us near in our sadness. Just as we turn to God in gratitude when we are happy, so can we turn to God in our sadness. And we can rely on God’s presence within us to provide the strength and consolation we need. 

Let us pray: God of all compassion be near to us in our sadness as well as our joy. May we lean on you in hard times and find in you a shelter for life’s storms. Amen 


Further Learning & Resources: 

Host a virtual party - 

Object Lesson About Joy for Kids -