Back to School with our Wise Mind: Navigating the Unknowns

Did you know you have another superpower? It's called wisdom! Each of us has the ability within us to make wise decisions. We like to call this part of our brain the ‘wise mind’. We are wise when we can balance what our thoughts & logic tell us with what our heart and emotions are feeling. We call the logical part the Reasonable Mind and the Feeling part the Emotional Mind.  

When we think only with our Reasonable Mind we are ruled by facts, reason, and logic. And we don’t acknowledge our feelings.  

When we use only our Emotional Mind we are ruled by feelings, moods, and urges. And sometimes forget to think before we act or speak.   

However, when we use our wise mind we value both reason and emotion, allowing our brain and heart to work together.  


For example: Your teacher tells you to wear your mask. 

Left brain Your reasonable mind says: “wear a mask because there is a lot of medical evidence to say it protects us from germs”. 

Right brain  

Your emotional mind says: “this mask is uncomfortable and makes me feel irritated. I don’t feel like wearing it”.   

Right And Left Brain

Your wise mind says: “Although this mask is really annoying, I know it keeps me and others safe. I will keep wearing it and try taking a couple deep breaths”.  


This superpower helps us to accept the things we cannot change and to make wise self-care choices. 


Try this:  

We often have to calm our mind in order to find our “Wise Mind” to create a balanced response. Try taking 3 deep, slow breaths before you begin.  


Think about one of the unknown’s or challenges you face due to the pandemic or a problem in your life that has been bothering you lately. 

Consider (you can draw the wise mind picture on paper if you wish):   

  • What is your Reasonable Mind saying about this?   
  • What is your Emotional Mind saying about this?   
  • Which one is stronger right now?   
  • What is your wise mind saying?   


Ask yourself, there is no wrong answer 

What mind do you tend to lean towards most when you are stressed? (Emotional or reasonable mind)  

In what situations do you tend to lean towards your emotional mind? 

In what situations do you tend to lean towards your reasonable mind?  

Without consciousness, most of us will habitually lean towards Reasonable or Emotional Mind; one or another.  When we are aware of whether our Emotional Mind or our Reasonable Mind is driving our decisions, we can better call on our Wise Mind to help us have a balanced response as we navigate life’s unknowns!  


Connecting to our faith: 

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. – James 1:5 


Further Resources: 

Wise Mind Video by Marsha Linehan 

DBT Wise Mind Exercise  

 Online Caregiver Resource Specific to Covid-19 Anxiety