Strategic Planning and Reporting
Annual Director's Report
This annual report (and accompanying supplemental documents) highlight how we are meeting our strategic plan goals, the latest EQAO results, our financial results and some of our notable accomplishments over the past year.
Click to view the latest Annual Report
Budget and Financial Statements
Approved budgets and audited financial statements are below. The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Financial Administration Act, supplemented by Ontario Ministry of Education memorandum 2004:B2 and Ontario Regulation 395/11 of the Financial Administration Act.
Capital Planning
We routinely undertake long-term enrolment and capital planning reviews that provide the context for new schools, additions, accommodation reviews, attendance boundary reviews, and related decisions. The Board's Capital Plan is a multi-year planning document, updated yearly, with a focus on a five year planning window that forecasts pupil enrolment and accommodation requirements. The plan guides the Board's provision of appropriate accommodation at system schools to achieve established objectives in a financially responsible manner.
We will also post Information regarding school accommodation reviews (ARC's), attendance boundary reviews (ARAC's), and current facility partnership opportunities.
Equity Action Plan
Facilities Reports
Below are our most recent documents concerning our Conservation and Demand Management Plan as well as our Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emission Report.
Green Energy Act Submissions
Multi-Year Strategic Plan
It is the responsibility of every school board to create a Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP). The purpose of the MYSP is to set out the long-term strategic priorities for the London District Catholic School Board.
School Renewal Projects
Student Achievement Plan
The Student Achievement Plan reports on progress made by school boards in relation to the provincial student achievement priorities, which include: Achievement of Learning in Core Academic Skills; Preparation of Students for Future Success; and Student Engagement and Well-being. The report is based on a template provided my the Ministry of Education.
Testing for Lead in Water
In 2007, Ontario’s Ministry of Environment and Climate Change introduced a regulation (243/07) intending to increase protection regarding children’s exposure to lead in water for schools and day nurseries. Click here for an overview of the regulation and our processes:
Ventilation in Schools Report
We continue to make upgrades to improve the ventilation infrastructure in our school buildings.