Wellness Wednesday: Learning to Let Go

Sometimes we can ruminate, focus on and hold on to feelings of hurt, embarrassment, a sense of failure or regrets. This focus can significantly impact our well-being. By acknowledging hurt feelings and letting them go we learn one way to take care of ourselves. When we wave goodbye to hurt feelings and wish them well, we practice kindness toward other people and toward ourselves. In today’s Wellness Wednesday post, we learn a strategy that can help us LET GO of failure, regret, past hurts, embarrassments, and blames.  

 learning to let go

Try this: 

Imagine a disappointment, embarrassment, regret or another feeling that is bothering you is inside a pink bubble. As it floats away, we wave goodbye and wish it well.  

  1. Sit with your back straight and your body relaxed, resting your hands gently on your knees. Close your eyes if you’re comfortable doing so and take a few breaths deeply and slowly.  
  1. Think of a disappointment or a feeling that’s bothering you and put it inside an imaginary pink bubble.  
  1. In your mind, watch the light, airy, pink bubble float away and imagine that whatever is bothering you is floating away with it.  
  1. Wave goodbye and wish it well.  

-adapted from Mindful Games, Greenland, Harris 

Ask yourself, there is no wrong answer: 

What types of things bother you?  

How did it feel to let go of something that was bothering you? How did it feel to wish it well? 

Connecting to our faith: 

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. – 1 Peter 5:7 

Further Learning: 

For all ages: Mindshift App developed by Anxiety Canada as a tool for adults, youth and children MindShift CBT App Gives Canadians Free Anxiety Relief                                         


Adult/Parenting Website: Anxiety Canada Many resources for parents and teachers related to Anxiety in Children                                                                                                                                 


Employees of LDCSB checkout WorkLifeHealth from EAP Provider Morneau Sheppell 


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