Kindness: A Superpower We All Possess!

We can all tap into the tremendous power of KINDNESS that lies within us! When we ignite the spark of kindness by modelling it to others, they will in turn pass on good deeds to more people and that’s how a kindness revolution can start.

Kindness often has a boomerang effect that keeps on giving. When you give, you feel good AND the other person feels good for the compassionate connection they have made with you.

The power of kindness is particularly important during challenging times. Every day, and even more throughout the pandemic, many people experienced struggles and difficulties.  It is in these times that acts of kindness more essential and meaningful than ever.

Today’s Wellness Wednesday post explores the power of KINDNESS – a superpower we all possess.

Try this:

As a class, group or family:

  • Watch the following video by Life Vest Inside called “Kindness Boomerang – One Day" (5:44) ( about kindness and the power of connection.
  • When the video is done, have a conversation about the video. Consider these talking points:
  • How do you feel after watching the video?
  • What examples of kindness did you see?
  • What did you notice about acts of kindness and stressful times / life’s difficulties?
  • Put yourself in the shoes of one of the individuals in the video. How would one of these interactions change your day, your mood, your overall outlook on life?
  • Think about times that you could do an act of kindness in your own life. How would doing a good deed for someone impact those around you?
  • Spend some time reflecting on opportunities to show more kindness to others. Write down a few examples of things you want to do today, this week, this month. Consider how you show kindness to your classmates, colleagues, friends, members of your household, etc. What about members of your school community, your extended family, your neighbours?

Ask yourself, there is no wrong answer:

How would a kind interaction change your day? How would kindness change someone else’s day? How can you show more kindness to one another today?

Connecting to our faith:

Seeing the good in others is one way to move closer to God. This allows us to become more accepting of others, thereby strengthening our relationships and growing compassionate communities.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church lists KINDNESS as one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. “The fruits of the Spirit are perfections that the Holy Spirit forms in us as the first fruits of eternal glory. The tradition of the Church lists twelve of them: “charity, joy, peace, patience, KINDNESS, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity” (CCC 1832).

“Whatever we do, let us sustain the voice of the Holy Spirit through practical good deeds and actions.” (Pope Francis) 

Dear God, I want to be kind. Help me to be kind even when I don’t feel like it or when I don’t think the other person deserves it. Amen.


Further Learning:


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