Handling Stress Effectively

Everyone experiences stress.  While some stress can be good, for example a little pressure may motivate us to complete a task, high or constant levels of stress can put our well-being at risk. Fortunately there are skills we can develop to handle stress more effectively.

In today’s Wellness Wednesday, we learn about stress and identify some strategies to support positive mental health.


Try this:

As a class, group, or family (best for grades 4+):

  • Talk about stress. Stress is something we all experience so it is important to talk about it. Watch the video, “Stress and Thinking – The Mind Body Connection” (https://youtu.be/KYcLfBf-T9c). When it is done, have a discussion.
  • Use the green “handling stress” conversation starter cards developed by SMHO (https://smho-smso.ca/blog/online-resources/class-conversation-starters/) to add to your discussion. These were designed for educators to use in the classroom with students, but the content is important for families also!  The prompts and suggestions help think about ways to promote and protect mental health and well-being.
  • Make a go-to list of quick, healthy coping and calming strategies. Having a list of simple ways that work for you to relieve your stress is very beneficial.
  • Many of our faith-based strategies, such as praying, meditating, and writing a letter to God, can help manage our stress. Other ideas could be to take a walk, colour or draw, have a drink or snack, listen to music, or talk to someone.
  • Check out CAMH’s “Self-Care Infographic” for 6 suggestions to practise self-care (camh.ca/-/media/files/gc-schools-self-care-infographic-pdf.pdf).
  • SMHO’s “Stress Buster Bulletin Board” is an actionable activity that can help identify ways to manage stress plus inspire others with your ideas. (https://smho-smso.ca/fw/stress-management-and-coping/support-seeking/stress-buster-bulletin-board/)

 Ask yourself, there is no wrong answer:

What has helped you in moments of stress? How did it help you?


Connecting to our faith:

Turning to God in times of stress can help us manage difficult situations in our lives. Jesus teaches us that all things can be made easier when we ask God for help.

“Trouble and anguish have come upon me, but your commandments are my delight.” (Psalm 119:143)

Let us pray: Encouraging God, provide us with peace in our hearts as we bring our prayers to you. May we rejoice in the knowledge that our faith in You will see us through challenging times. Amen


Further learning:

Employees of LDCSB check out WorkLifeHealth from EAP Provider Morneau Sheppell.

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