Christmas Break Reminders

The following are a few reminders as our students, families and staff head into the Christmas Break:

Take Home Belongings: As always, we ask all students and staff to take home any personal belongings this week. Students and staff should consider taking home any learning materials and related technology.

Rapid Testing Kits for Students: Rapid antigen screening kits have been distributed to our in-person learning students. Participation in this rapid antigen screening is voluntary: students are not required to participate in order to return to the classroom after the break. Instructions on how to take the test are available here. Please visit our website to access more information about Rapid Testing Kits.

Traveling Outside of Canada: The Government of Canada currently requires that unvaccinated children must NOT attend school, camp or day care for 14 days after arrival in Canada. Fully vaccinated students may return to school immediately upon their return if they pass the COVID-19 School and Child Care Screening.

Stay Safe: Please follow all protocols recommended by the public health to ensure a safe holiday season.

The LDCSB is committed to keeping our families and staff informed with the latest information about COVID-19 and how it is affecting our schools. Please continue to monitor the LDCSB website, SchoolMessenger and your email for any updates.