Massive Wi-Fi Upgrade at All LDCSB Schools

The London District Catholic School Board’s nearly 24,000 students and 3,000 staff will have access to a modern, robust, reliable network and Wi-Fi infrastructure this year as a result of a massive $2.2 million project.

This new infrastructure exponentially expands access and device support.  The number of Wi-Fi access points have nearly doubled, from 850 to 1,600, and the number of supported devices has risen nearly tenfold, from 17,000 to 160,000.

Wi-Fi is now readily accessible in all classrooms, libraries, gyms, teacher workspaces, offices, and common areas.  The project was completed in steps over the last two school years by the school board’s IT staff and an external vendor.

“This expanded access will be transformational for our students,” said Vince Romeo, Director of Education. “It significantly increases access to online resources and learning opportunities from anywhere in our school buildings. This upgrade serves us now and into the future, as our enrollment and staff complement continue to grow at a rapid pace.”

Funding for the project came from the joint provincial and federal Investing in Canada plan.