Parents & Community » Rent A School Space

Rent A School Space


Non-profit organizations and others are able to rent a school space through the community use of schools program, a Ministry of Education initiative that supports access to school space outside of normal school hours for not-for-profit programming.  Schools are open to encourage neighbourhood and community organizations to host a variety of programs including dance, sport and cultural activities. 


For further information on the community use of schools program in general please go here Ministry of Education - Community Use of Schools.

How do I request the use of a school facility?
  • Log on to the public access site EbaseAccess.
    • If you are looking to check availability, please click on the calendar icon on the top right hand side of the page to view schools and which dates and times may be available.
    • If you are interested in putting in an application, please click on the "Get Started" button. This will take you to the information on how to register and fill out an online reservation. Follow the steps to their completion. 
  • Once your online application is sent in, it is not automatically approved. An email will be sent to you when approval is in place. 
  • You will be asked to read and agree to the rules and regulations of the LDCSB Community Use Agreements. Please read carefully. Full compliance is expected.
  • Once approval is obtained, a copy of an insurance policy listing the "London District Catholic School Board" as an additional insured must be provided to the LDCSB.  This policy must have a minimum of $5 million in general liability). 

Please be aware that London District Catholic School Board events take priority over any rental permit, and as such, any bookings may be cancelled to accommodate school programs.  


A minimum of 14 working days are required to process an application, so please submit your permits in a timely manner.  


Not for Profit Status: In order to claim Not for Profit status, you must submit either a registered charitable organization number, or "Letters Patent" if incorporated.