United Way
The staff and students of the London District Catholic School Board have an amazing record of supporting United Way. Their donations help the United Way provide support to many local, community organizations that will have a very real impact on so many lives. Your Local Love has never been more important than it is right now. As we face an uncertain recovery, the unignorable issues that were here before COVID-19 hit are getting worse.
We are all truly blessed in so many ways. Please consider lending your help and support to this very worthwhile cause, remember: a little can go a long way!
Not sure how your dollars are used in the community? Learn more about the impact your donations make in Elgin and Middlesex by visiting http://unitedwayem.ca/community-investments/.
Want to see what United Way has been doing in the community? Click here to take part in United Way Oxford’s “Community Seeing is Believing Tour” to learn more about how your support is changing lives in Oxford County https://unitedwayoxford.ca/virtual-seeing-is-believing-tour/.